Restorative Dentistry

Because of parents who understand dental needs, along with fluoride in water, children are getting fewer cavities today than they did a few years ago.

But when your child’s teeth do break or decay, we can use state-of-the-art methods to restore them, making a damaged tooth look and work just as good as new. At the same time, we’ll make the experience as comfortable — even fun — as we can for each child.

The techniques and products below are just some of the ones we use to restore teeth after they’re damaged.


How do you fix a tooth that is too broken for a regular filling? Crowns are tooth caps that cover and strengthen a damaged or decayed tooth to protect it for many years.

We use gentle and friendly techniques and terminology to help children receive crowns without fear. We offer a few choices of materials that can help make crowns unique to your child’s needs.


Baby teeth should just fall out, right? But they don’t always come out when you want them to. Sometimes, they can even cause pain because they’re infected or got bumped during play.

If a baby tooth is infected, that bacteria can spread throughout the mouth or to the permanent tooth under it. We can quickly pull it out to prevent that. Afterwards, we may put in a spacer that keeps your child’s smile in just the right shape until the permanent tooth grows in.

Sometimes children are not the only ones who need to have a tooth removed. When adults experience adverse cavities or orthodontic needs, an extraction may be necessary. But don’t worry! Dr, Lauren will take care of them too.

No-Drill Dentistry

This is a technique that uses silver diamine fluoride to stop a cavity that’s in progress — without using a drill. We don’t expect many children to want to sit still during a long drill procedure. That’s why we use this faster and gentler treatment to get the effect we need to protect your child’s smile!

Tooth-Colored Fillings

After we treat a small cavity, we can restore the tooth with a tooth-colored filling, which is BPA-free and mercury-free. We’ll work to find the right color so that your child’s tooth will look natural and won’t embarrass him or her at school.

Tooth Pulp Treatment (Baby Root Canal)

If your child has a serious toothache, it may be caused by bacteria inside the root of the tooth. Even if it’s in a baby tooth, it’s still smart for us to clean the infected tissue out, save the walls of the tooth from damage, and relieve the pain in the nerve.

It can be a few years before the adult tooth comes in. A baby root canal treatment can keep the baby tooth healthy until then, which should guide the adult tooth to grow in the right way. This treatment will let your daughter or son smile and chew naturally again.

Contact Us for Restorative Pediatric Dentistry Services

At Loveland Pediatric Dentistry, we are excited to see your children at every stage of their development. We constantly study the latest restorative dentistry techniques, and we’ll be there to help them through tooth pain, cavities, and any other problems. Call today, and tell us your needs.